Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Madness

Does it make me weird that I enjoy Mondays? I mean, I know it's the generally accepted view that Mondays mean work and reality. But Mondays are beautiful. They're the start to a new week, a fresh start to correct mistakes of the previous week. A chance for redemption, to catch up on work that should have been done ages ago. An opportunity to study for that test on Tuesday, the one which you promised yourself you'd study for on the weekend. My point is, if there was no Monday, you'd be quite screwed for that test.

Monday's also start with 'M', which is the first letter of my name. I'm currently spending my Monday afternoon waiting for my lift to pick me up from campus. I should probably make use of this time and study or something. Believe me, I tried. But it's almost 5pm and I want food. So I'll study for my test tomorrow when I go home.

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